Applicants, Students and Graduates

Enhance your career path and your academic and professional skills

Certify your CV

Don't wait any longer, have your CV and diplomas certified by verifdiploma - the nationally and internationally recognised trusted third party - a simple click here is enough !

Get your certificate

And quickly obtain a secure verification certificate (blockchain and Qrcode) to share in particular with all recruiters as well as on your social networks.

Authorize its verification

Allow any third party - recruiters or the admissions department in particular - to immediately check the authenticity of your certificate online using verifdiploma.

Put all the chances on your side thanks to verifdiploma and this, whatever your current approach is :

  • Recruitment in a private company
  • Recruitment in public administration
  • Enrolling in a higher education institution
  • Registration for a public or private competition
  • Application for Visa or other authorisations

Take advantage of the web interface and mobile application verifdiploma to save time and maximize your chances
of success :

  • Curriculum Certification Interface :
  • Apply for certification
  • Follow the progress of the checks
  • Get your certificate back verifdiploma
  • Attestation verification interface
    by downloading your certificate
    or by simply flashing your QR-Code
    or by simply entering the security code

Our solutions


Check diplomas and
CVs in France have been abroad.
Database of 23 million graduates.

More information


Check diplomas in the framework of
the homogenisation of the qualifications for the
recruitment of civil servants and the issuing of visas.

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Make the most of your route and your
academic and professional skills
with recruiters.

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