Our Mission Statement

Promote skills and candidates, worldwide!

Global Screening services for recruiters

  • Verify Diplomas in France and abroad
  • A 23 million graduates database
  • All types of institutions and degrees
  • 70% to 80% of the requests are verified within 48-hours
  • Fast, accurate and reliable verification report
  • Digressive rate according to your annual volume
  • E-commerce site to facilitate the customer experience.

Services dedicated to educational institutions

  • Verify diplomas in France and abroad
  • Understanding higher education systems
  • Accreditation of institutions
  • Setting up of our interface
  • Trainings

verif-IA's technology transfer services

Implement verif-IA technology in your institution. verifdiplomagroup has been developing its verif-IA technology, a global technology for Verifying diplomas and skills, for 20 years. Our exclusive proprietary verif-IA technology guarantees the reliability of our verification services carried out only with verified official sources and according to an established and controlled methodology: our global and proven know-how is your quality assurance !

International institutional and associative partnerships of verifdiplomagroup

Official signatory of the Groningen Declaration:  
Global Network for a Student Digital Data Ecosystem respecting security and confidentiality of personal data (16 countries since 2012, United States, China, France, Australia, Mexico, South Africa...).

European Foundation Member For Management Development :
Association for the Promotion of Excellence in International Management Practices (EQUIS Label)

National Association of Professional Background Screeners Member :
International Association of Verification Professionals and Global Screening (over 300 members worldwide)

Official signatory of an Agreement with HEDD : :
Official service of degree verification for English diplomas (Signature in Versailles on 19 July 2019)

Foreign Ministries of Education customers verifdiplomagroup :

Ministry of China

  • Signature of a contract with the CSCSE (Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange), an agency of the Chinese Ministry of Education.
  • Verification of Chinese graduates from French higher education institutions (volume of 11,000 files per year, i.e. 45 files processed per day)


Higher Education Degree Datacheck (Hedd) is the UK's official service for verifying academic degrees and authenticating universities. It also takes action against diploma mills purporting to be UK universities. It is funded by the UK government through the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and is run by Prospects.

Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Education


Our main partners verifdiplomagroup

Groningen Declaration
Prospects Hedd
Campus France